Tuesday 18 August 2020

Review of Midnight Sun (Twilight #5) by Stephanie Meyer


When the world was introduced to Edward Cullen and Bella Swan in the Original Twilight novel, who would know that this would be an iconic love story which has spanned 10 years. However up until now all we have heard is Bella's side of the story, finally we will be able to experience this love story from Edward's long awaited compelling version of the story.

This is the iconic story being told through the eyes of the compelling Edward and this means that the love story takes a darker turn with all of his struggles being detailed. The chapter when Bella started at the high school and how he struggled being close to her and how her essence was both unnerving and the most intriguing event in his whole future as a vampire. This novel allows for us to experience and find out Edwards back story which helps the reader to find out how complex his thoughts are. It then becomes easy to understand why this is one of the defining struggles of his whole life and we will find out his views on having Bella in his life. We also see Edward developing as a 'Human' and how his human traits come out and enhance the vampire side of his character.

I loved this book so much that i could not help but to read this non-stop since i got it, I read the 700+ pages of this book over 2 days.It has definitely ignited my love for Twilight and has made me ant to plan in a Twilight Saga reread in the next couple of months. I loved the inner struggle which Edward goes through and how he comes to the realisation that he can not stay away from Bella. I can not wait to see if she rewrites all of the instalments of the original instalments in Edwards viewpoint.

Get you copy of this new instalment at the following link:https://amzn.to/3g4gvGb