Tuesday 26 May 2020

Review of Turned (Book One of Vampire Journals) by Morgan Rice


Turned (Vampire Journals #1) by Morgan Rice

18 year old Caitlin Paine finds herself being uprooted and in a new school and New York Apartment when her mom moves. The one saving grace in the new dangerous school is a classmate name Jonah and he has taken an instant liking  to her.

However before any feelings can blossom, Caitlin find that she is staring to change. She is overcome by new abilities including superhuman strength, sensitivity to light and a desire to fed - however these are feelings that she does not understand. So she starts to seek answers to why she is feeling these feelings and all the time her cravings lead her to be in the wrong place and the wrong time. Her eyes are being opened to a hidden world in the thriving underground world under New York. She finds herself being trapped between two dangerous sides and right in the middle of a Vampire war. 

During this time Caitlin meets another new friend Caleb, who is a powerful vampire who rescues her from the dark forces. She embarks on an adventure with Caleb to locate and find a legendary lost artefact. She realises that she needs to be with him for answers and also to remain protected. During this adventure she wants only one answer ..... Who is her real father?

She find that she is caught between Caleb and Jonah as something else arises between them and she feels a forbidden love. A love which will risk both of there lives and she will have to decide whether to risk it all for love. Imagine finding out your father is a vampire and that you are a half breed and everything you know has been brought into question.

I love Morgan Rice, i have read several of her other fantasy series and she has a writing style as she has a funny yet serious tone. I find that she has a writing style which puts me at ease and wants me to stay cocooned into the world she is describing. The characters are always roundly formed and she inputs a lot of thought into them which makes you want to be friend with them. I always feel the emotion of the characters and have the urge to wrap them in a hug when they are sad and give them a piece of my mind when they have been stupid. I have recommended her to some of my family and everyone i talk to enjoys her writing style. If you want a light and well rounded book, i recommend her book to you.