Saturday 23 May 2020

Review of Year One by Nora Roberts

Year One is the first book in the Chronicles of The One trilogy by Nora Roberts. 

The book starts at New year in Scotland and where Patient 0 was infected before leaving to return to the USA. The virus and its symptoms came on suddenly while Patient 0 is on the flight home, however by the time this has happened he has already infected at least a dozen people before landing. 

Within a matter of weeks life as the world know has changed dramatically and the governments which are in place start to fail them. Along with this failing, the electric grid splatters and has periodic outages, and law & government collapsing. This Virus has infected and resulting deaths has already claimed 50% of the world's populations. 

Nora Roberts describes the state of chaos which has happened with the kind of detail which make you blood run cold but holds your attention and makes you want to keep reading and and not put this down. It is in the descriptive language she uses that she has explained that with the demise of order, magic has surfaced with both good and bad elements. It becomes evident that there are some individuals who are immune and the gifted realise that even though they are immune there is no safety for them from the authorities who patrol the empty streets. 

The novel depicts the pockets of immune and gifted travelling in the same direction. It is clear that all of the characters on edge when they meet other groups because anyone that you meet could be either friend or foe. It is the journeys and eventual settlement of the group together is this story line will give them all a purpose in the community that has been created. I have read several other novels by Nora Roberts and this is a welcome change in direction as she has started to bring in fantasy on a classic thriller. The way that she ensures that you have a backstory for each of the main characters and love listening to the way that they develop. 

I will say that this has made me think how bad the real world could have been if the governments had not introduced lock down. It has shown how quickly a virus can be spread and the way it mutates as conditions change. I would advise that any one which has been effected by Covid-19 may find that this a hard book for them to read, however i would recommend this book to everyone.