What begins as the story of a lost boy slowly turns into a story of an individual who yearns to understand what happened on that fateful night and also to himself as well.
While he is on vacation with his family, he along with his brother snuck out in the middle of the night. On this fateful night only Matthew came home safely. Ten years later, Matthew opens up and tells us that he has found a way to bring his brother back ...
What begins as the story of a lost boy son turns into a story of a brave man yearning to understand what happened on that night, in the years since then and also to his own sense of self. Unafraid to look at the shadows of our hearts, Nathan Filer's rare and brilliant debut novel shows us the strength which is apparent in the characters resilience and love which he has for his family.
This was one of those books which broke me with it's honest and unbiased description of mental illness. It shows how no one is truly alone in suffering and how long individuals can hold on to a secret which can eat at them alive. I found that this story was not told in chronological order and I find that the way that this story is told is one of the reasons I love it s much. It is also very unusual to find this type of hard hitting story based in the UK, it also opened my eyes to some of the more stigmatized aspects of schizophrenia which sometimes get brushed over. I have recommended this book to some of my friends who have worked with mental health patients and i have had a mixture of feedback from them. I will always hold this in my high regards and will continue to promote this book to many of my friends.
To get your copy of this book, please click the following link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Shock-Fall