Thursday 29 October 2020

Review of Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare


In the magical underworld of the Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters of the London Institute. However that saffety proves to be fleeting when a rogue force in the Clave plots to see that her protector Charlotte is forceable removed from her position. If Charlotte losses her position, it will mean that Tessa will be put out onto the street and this will make her easy prey for the Magister - who is still intent on capturing her and using her powers for his own dark and evil plans.

with the help of the handsome and destructive Will and the fiercely prtective Jem - Tessa discovers that the Magisters war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal. He blames them for a long-ago tragedy which shattered his world and as he claims detroyed his life. It is up to this trio to unravel the secrets of the past and journey to the yorkshire towns to the manor house which holds untold horrors to the slums of London. This will lead them Tessa to a enchanted ballroom where she discovers that the truth of her own parentage is more sinister than she had ever imagined. When the trio encounter a Clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the magister himself knows their every move - and one of their own has betrayed them.

Tessa find that her heart is more and more drawn to Jem, but she still has a deep longing for Will - even with his dark moods, and this is one of the things which continue to unsettle her. In Wills case things are starting to change and this means that the walls which he has built up around himself are starting to crumble down around him. Could finding the Magister free Will from his demons and give Tessa the answers about herself and what her purpose is and why she has the powers that she does. 

During the dangerous search for the Magister, the trio will uncover truths which will in turn lead their friends to peril. Tessa learns that when love  and lies are mixed together, the result can corruppt even those with the purest of heart.

Well, Cassandra Clare has done it again. She has sucked me into the Shadowhunters story line and has me guessing the outcome of the love triangle on every turn of the page. I didnt even give myself a break between the books as i found that i needed to get onto the next book to find out what happens to all of the characters which we love in this trilogy. This was my favourite book in the Shadowhunter realm and when i say that i read all 501 pages in a three day period this shows how much i loved it.