Thursday 29 October 2020

Review of Reviving the Hawthorn Sisters by Emily Carpenter


From the bestselling author of 'Burying the Honeysuckle Girls' returns in the novel which sees the return to uncover a faith healer's elusive and haunted past.

Dove Jarrod was a renowned evangelist and a faith healer. Only when it comes to her gradndaughter, Eve Candler who knows that her grandmother is a con artist. In the eight years since Dove's death, Eve has been the one to maintain Dove's charitable foundation ... as well as her lies. However just as a documentary team is about to wrap up the shoot which focuses on the miracle worker, Eve is assulted by a vengeful stranger who is intent on exposing what could be the darkest and most explosive skeleton in Dove's closet.

Tuscaloosa, in 1934, a wily young orphan makes an escape from one of the countries psychiatric hospital where she has been born and raised. When she joins the itinerant inspirational duo of the Hawthorn Sisters, the road ahead is one of the mosr stirring possibilities. All this is while an obsessive predator on her tail, one of the untold dangers of her life. For this young girl to surviv, she needs to make some desperate choices which are vital to her survival.

Now, to protect her family, Eve will join forces with the investigative filmmaker, and one of Dove's friends. She is willling to risk eveything to help unravelthe truth behind the accusations against her grandmother. However will the truth set her and her family free or wwill it set her world on fire.

If you like a captivating thriller this is the book for you, I did find this a very slow burner however once i got into the story then it captured me and couldn't put it down. I love the atmopheric gotic vibes which this book has and the way that emily Carpenter tells the story in such a way which just builds the suspense, and developes the dark and very forboading characters in a way that makes yu want to be their friends and their enemies at the same time. I love the way that this book has a way of twisting 2 different story lines which come together and buids the story to a natual twist in the story.