Saturday 17 October 2020

Review of The Shadowhunters Codex (Shadowhunter Chronicles) by by Cassandra Clare & Joshua Lewis


When i saw that the shadow world had a user guide of such I had to get this handbook. This chronicles the Nephilims training manual since the thirteenth century and this has firmly become a trainee shadowhunters go to manual When you are being swarmed by demons it can become so easy to forget the finer points of obscure demon languages of the fastest way to defeat demons. However with the knowledge that the is contained in this book and it helps to compound the background knowledge of the world.

In the twenty-seventh edition of the codex it now covers everything you need to know about the world and every dark and dangerous thing that inhabit the world we know. It identifies the history and laws of the shadow hunter and world of the downworlders. No more does a shadow hunter have to attempt to fight off rogue campfire's and warlocks by endless power, they have the knowledge to do this within the bounds of the accords.

This was a wonderful and insightful book which helps the reader of the shadow world series and other novels set in the same world. I picked this up at the right time and i could not be more grateful to have this to hand when i started the Infernal Devices trilogy. I found that this helped to fill in some of the blanks which could not be covered in the original 6 box set of the world. I loves that this book included black and white illustrations of the creatures and individuals that it describe. Every chapter has an individual and unique illustration to help the section of the book and its understanding. I would recommend that this book is read between the Immortal Devices set of books and the later trilogy's as well as the other trilogies. I am raving about this book when talking about the shadow hunter world.

To get your copy, click the following link: