Saturday 17 October 2020

Review of Untouched (The Girl in the Box #2) by Robert J. Crane


Sienna is still being haunted by her last encounter with Wolfe - a sadistic and unrelenting shadow on her life. However she must put aside her personal struggles when a brand-new threat to her emerges ... a man by the name of Aleksandr Gavrikov. He is a meta human who is so powerful to the point that he can destroy entire cities. He has the sole focus on destroying the Directorate and bringing it to their knees.

I did not enjoy this one as much as the previous book. I found that i enjoyed the pace of action scenes however the sections between this were a bit flat. The story line on this book was full of trigger points relating to rape and sexual abuse which i found very uncomfortable, however maybe this is a way to make this book being talk about was what makes this book appealing to some readers. This was the book that has turned me off the series i am sorry to stay.