Wednesday 10 June 2020

Review of The City In The Middle Of The Night by Charlie Jane Anders

The City In The Middle Of The Night by Charlie Jane Anders

Would you give up everything to be able to change the world?

Humanity is hanging on to life that January - the colonised planet is divided between being a constant frozen darkness on one side and blazing permanent sun on the other. In the meagre temperate zone on the planet, the two cities are required to serve as the last pillars of civilisation. But in the cities the way of life is just as dangerous as the inhabitable wastelands on either side.

A young student Sophie who is from the darker side of the Xiosphant city has been exiled out of the city when she failed to become part of the rebellion. She manages to survive against the odd with the help of the mysterious stranger that she meet from under the ice.

Being burden with the painful secret,Sophie and her group of exiles will face the ultimate challenge - and this band of brothers is starting to run out of time.

I wasn't keen on this book as i kept being distracted from it as i found it hard to get into the story. That's not to say that that the character and the plot from about half way through grabbed me. It scored low on my most enjoyed list and due to not being able to get into the story, I would still recommend this to a younger audience as I think they would prefer this book.

Click on following link to get your copy: