Sunday 14 June 2020

Review of I Was A Teenage Ghost Hunter by Brian K. Henry

I Was A Teenage Ghost Hunter by Brian K. Henry

Moody 16 year old barista Devin Mulwray is trying and failing to ignore all of the bizarre manifestations that are happening in her home town the chilling seaside town of Acarta. He is already being teased about his frequent zone outs and the last thing that this teenage needs if to be known as the guy who sees ghost around town. It doesn't help that his state of mind when his boss is a sarcastic slacker, his single dad is always working away from home and a local occult fan girl starts spreading the rumour that he is ghost boy on social media.

When some violent paranormal activity badly spooks the teens of the town involving an abandoned estate. Devin is then pushed into investigating by one of his eccentric friends Clive - a budding composer - and Rex the resident tech head who is excited by ghost hunting gadgets. Reluctantly he gets involved and Devin is further encourage when Emily one of the more empathetic girls at his school is impressed with his daring behaviour.

Together the friends set out to explore the creepy Rousten manor in the local town. Devin being the one and only person who can perceive the manifestations, he find himself going on a one against one battle with a powerful spirit who starts attacking the locals and infiltrates Devin's dreams .... or should we say nightmare. Devin has got to face his fear of confronting the spirit world and get to the bottom of the haunting before the evil spectre unleashed more havoc on his friend and family.

This is the second of Brian Henry's books that i have read and i enjoyed this as much as the first. His way of developing the characters is one of the best i have seen and it is this which draws me into the story. The style of writing helps to show the dynamics of the group of friends and how they interact with each other and solve the puzzles which they are face with. Devin the main character is on the cusp of coming of age and he finds that his focus is taken away from the important things and forced to focus on the supernatural world. If you like young adult and paranormal stories then this is the book for you.

Please click the following link to purchase you own copy of the book: