Monday 15 June 2020

Review of What If It's Us (Book #1) by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera

What If It's Us (Book #1) by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera

Arthur is only staying in New York for the summer, but if Broadway has taught him any lessons it is that the universe works in mysterious ways. And nothing is more unexpected than a showstopping romance for all ages at the time you least expect it.

Ben thinks that the universe is messing with him and he wants the universe to mind its own business. He feels that he has had the universe had his back then he wouldn't be going to the post office with a box of his ex's boyfriends things which were left when they broke up. When Arthur and Ben meed in a chance encounter at the post office both cant help but think what the universe has in store for them.

Then the universe throws a curve ball and they get separated and then meeting again, reuniting them. However what will happen if they can not nail the crucial first date or the following dates. Arthur can think what will happen if he tries to half while Ben is wondering what if he deosn't try hard enough. Can life really be like the way that a Broadway show plays put?

This book is written in the style of duel points of view - switching between Arthur and Ben's story lines. This is one of my favourite writing styles as I find that duel POV helps make the story have more depth and allows for a more round build of the character. This is the new version of the love story and all of its twist and turns with the character finally uniting together.

Please click the following link to but your copy of the book: