Friday 12 June 2020

Review of If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

This is the kind of big-hearted novel which will make you be seen and perceive for who you really are.

Amanda Hardy is the new girl at school and everyone knows how awkward that is. Like all the other students she wants to fit in and make friends, however Amanda is keeping secrets and is determined to not get close to anyone after what has happened at previous schools.

When she meets Grant, who is the sweetest and easygoing, She cant help but start to open herself up and let him into her life. As they spend more and more time together she finds that she starts to have feeling for him and that she is losing a battle to keep that invisible wall up. She finds her self feeling all these feelings that she should be and find herself yearning to share her secrets with Grant - all of her secrets Buts she is terrified that once she opens up to him and tells the full story, he will not be able to see past it.

The secret that she is keeping close to her chest is that at her previous school she was Andrew and moving schools has given her the chance to transition into being Amanda. Amanda is scared that telling the truth will cost her her new life and the new love in her life.

This story felt quite personal to me as one of my children is transgender and going through a lot of the feeling that Amanda is. I see a lot of myself in her parents and feel for them and you want to turn to them and offer a hand of support. I would recommend this book to anyone who is transitioning - and their families - it has been an emotional one for me and i am glad that i have read it. I didn't necessarily like the writing style but the story was not lost due to this, I felt that it was a bit jumpy and a bit hard to get into but i did enjoy reading it.

Click on the following link to buy your copy: