Tuesday 2 June 2020

Review of The Mystery of Alice by Lee Bacon

The Mystery of Alice by Lee Bacon

The Audible exclusive is about 13 year old Emily Poe who has been given an opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to attend the exclusive Audyn School in Manhattan.

To be able to win the scholarship, she has to pass a text to show her eligibility and it is nothing she's ever experienced before. The test is held in a bare room, a strange set of clues, a locked door and a mysterious organisation. called the Leopold Foundations watching her every more. 

However the real test has just began, despite the strange circumstances - a new house, a new uniform, new gadgets and new school. Emily instantly bonds with fellow scholarship winner Alice Ray and the become fast friends sticking together through all of these new experience

The Alice goes missing, Emily then starts to chronicle every twitch and turn in searc for her friends through her video diary and blog. Emily uses this median to set out to start her investigation behind her best friends disappearance. Soon she finds herself being drawn into the Audyn School elite called the nobility, who each have their own web of secrets themselves. As she builds clues and lies surrounding Alice disappearance and she needs to find a way to sort out the truth and fiction to solve The Mystery of Alice before it is to late.

I love the way that this is presented with the blog type entries which draws you into collecting the clues and want to help Emily solve this mystery. It is a way of getting an insight into how someone from a second class background joins the elite school system. It is a classic tale of how children makes friend and how they open up to each other. It is due to this stand oafishness and awkwardness of new friendship, it shows how quickly children can adapt, It also made me reflect on my childhood and how moving made all of my friendships went in my youth.

Click on the following link to get the Amazon exclusive: