Saturday 5 September 2020

Review of The Age of Witches by Louisa Morgan



Harriet Bishop, descended from a long line of witches, uses her magic to help women in need. Not just the ordinary women but also those who have powers of their own. Harriet finds that she must intervene when one of her distant cousins starts to wield the darker and dangerous side of magic to change the lives of two unsuspecting young people of whom might just be a witch herself.

Frances Allington has used her feminine wiles and witchcraft to claw her way out of her poverty stricken life and into the spectacular marriage with one of New York's most wealthiest business tycoons. Frances is determined to secure the Alligntons position amongst the city's elite Four Hundred Families by any means possible. Even if this means that she has to hatch a scheme to make a glorious match for her headstrong and very independent step-daughter Annis - to do this she will yield her power with the same methods that she snared Annis's father.  To be able to save Annis from the dangerous effects of the dark magic, Harriet must reveal to Annis the misuse of Francis's power. To do this though she will have to share with her cousin the birthright that she has and then help Annis kindle her new and untrained powers. Together, Harriet and Annis must both resist her stepmothers agenda and also the life of the dashing you lord that she thinks that she will be able to come to love. But doing this may mean that the all lose their freedom and a possibility of also losing their lives - thats how dangerous this is.

Admittedly this is not my normal type of book however i got this in my mystery date with a book box that i received and have managed to read the whole book in one day. The story is set in the New York and London in 1692 and starts with one of the Bishop's witches quote of 'It was a cruel day to leave the world' and this quote kept cropping in some form throughout the book. Another of my favourite quotes is: 'Witch should be a beautiful word, signifying wisdom and knowledge and discipline, but it isn't used that way. It has been made an insult, implying evil causing fear'. As i have said before i am a sucker for the happy ending but this took until about chapter 30 to start to come into the story and that what grabbed me .... the will they wont they scenario. The majority of the story is built around Annis and James and the manipulation that they are put through and this is one of the reason i will add this to my list of all time favourite books.

To get you copy of the book, follow this link: