Sunday 13 September 2020

Review of Blood of Wonderland (Queen of Hearts #2) by Colleen Oakes

 The Queen Will Rise Again.

Dinah has been exiled from Wonderland. Her vicious father - who she always feared has framed her for the brutal murder of her brother and this has then turned the whole kingdom against her.

Now hiding in the lush and mysterious Twisted wood with only her war steed by her side, Dinah is faced with a big choice. She could leave wonderland for good or she could return to the palace and fight her father for the throne which is rightfully hers. This is a fight which she knows will only result in bloodshed in the kingdom.

On a chance encounter with her father’s long-lost enemies brings Dinah more allies than she ever could have imagined - the start of war is inevitable. However for Dinah can lead her new found tribe of people, she must first confront certain truths about her heart and her destiny. This must be done no matter how dark those truths may be. Dinah’s battle has begun and the Revolution is rising in wonderland.

I am going to admit that i didn’t enjoy this book as much as the first one and i can not put my finger on what it was which i didn’t like. I did enjoy the way that the character development carried on from the previous book and this was good as it meant that the things which i have now learned about the characters was additional information and not s repeat of the first book. I found that even through the smouldering friendship between Dinah and Gorran grows and becomes a trusting relationship which is more of a mentee/mentor relationship than anything else. This friendship was one of the redeeming things for this book as I found that the rest of the story could have been removed and i would have had the same liking of the book. I can not wait to read the final chapter of the story and see where it will take Dinah and her people.

To get your copy of the story, click the following link: