Sunday 27 September 2020

Review of When The World Feels Like A Scary Place by Abigail Gewirtz

This is a lifesaving guide for parents, Dr Gerwirtz show how you can use the most basic tools at a parents disposal - Conversation - to give children real and interactive help in dealing with worries, stress and any other negative emotions. Emotions which are caused by problems in the world, from all types of problems which can arise in modern society. 

But it is not just about how you talk to your children, it is also what you say to them. The heart of this book is a series of conversational scripts - it has actual dialogue, talking points and prompts which give you insights which can be adapted to be age appropriate and different situations. Throughout the book there are tips about how to stay calm in an anxious world - it helps to give parents an insight into how children react to stress and how parents can read the signs and makes sure that their own anxiety doesn't filter into the conversation. The act of talking and listening is essential for nurturing confident and compassionate children. Conversations will help you manage your own anxieties too offering a path of wholeness and security for everyone in the family.

This book has actually helped me in the last 18 months when i have been dealing with my oldest has came out as trans. It has allowed me to have effective conversations with her about her feelings and struggles which she is going through. I have also recommended this to a friend who's only child has started school and she has let me know that this has helped her understand the emotions which her child is going through with all of the adjustments. This is something that i will be recommending to parents and grandparents alike to help them with their children.