Saturday 19 September 2020

Review of Cursed Objects: Strange But True Stories of the World's Most Infamous Items by J. W Ocker

 This is one of the illustrated compendium which tries to educate and reveals the true stories behind some of the infamous, creepy and bizarre real-life cursed objects though-out history. This book spans decades and continents, and the subjects of the author from the Opulent Hope Diamond to the humble Busy Stool/ 

The author begins by stating that all of these objects are lurking in museums, graveyards and even some private homes all around the world. The stories of these objects have inspired countless movies, tv shows, campfire stories, books and even the good old chain letter/emails. They're cursed objects and in order to unleash the wave of terror that accompanies their misfortune and all they need is people who believe in their stories to spread like an infection around the world. It is part of human culture and history that as a race we can not get enough of these infamous real-life items have been compiled into the following volume. The stories include: Annabelle the Doll, The Tomb of Tutankhamen and The Ring of Silvianus.

Well what can i say, this book scared the life out of me. I was scared from the first word which was said and i could see all of the objects in my minds eye as they were described in detail. I am not a strong believer of curses and things like that but this scared me. It is one i would not want to read again however was a book which i had to read once. This was written with the believers of conspiracy stories in mind and can see how sometimes the stories have evolved over time. 

This is something that everyone should read at least once. Click this link to get your copy: