Saturday 19 September 2020

Review of War of Cards (Queen of Hearts Saga #3) by Colleen Oakes


This is the final book in the twisted Young Adult trilogy which re-imagines the origin story of the Queen of Hearts.

Dinah has now lost everyone she has ever loved. Her brother who was brutishly murdered, the wicked man whom she believed was her father having betrayed her. All off her loyal subjects have been devastated by the war which has torn through the kingdom. And finally the boy whom she had given her heart until it broke completely.

Now the darkness has entered the Queen and she has risen out of the Ashes of her former life. Fury has become her companion and it is blooming inside of her and slowly poisoning her soul and twisting to her mind against her. All that she has left in Wonderland is her crown, and her obsession to fight for both of them. However the war rages on, and Dinah could inherit the bloodstained throne. Can a leader filled with love and rage ever be the true leader that the kingdom of Wonderland needs? Or will her all consuming wrath bring wonderland to it knee.

This is not a story of a happy ever after, this is the true story of the Queen of Hearts.

This is not my favourite one of the trilogy and it took me a while to get into this and this is shown in the fact that it took nearly a week for me to listen to the audio book when a book this length would have been devoured in a mere day. Saying that i enjoyed that the characters were continually developed and can see the turning point for Dinah. Even with the development of the characters did mean that you don't need to read the previous 2 books. I would not steer away from reading this type of book however it would not be the type of book i would gravitate to when looking for a new book to read. I would go as far to say that i am glad that i have read this but would not re-read this and not store in my book library - i have other books that i would recommend before this one.

To get your copy, click this following link: